Monday, October 19, 2009

Auxiliary Services Issues

Auxiliary Services has a policy in place. According to Donald Moore, Director of Auxiliary Services, campus organizations that are hosting events on campus and selling tickets must use Auxiliary Services to print out tickets. Here's the catch, Auxiliary Services will charge $1.50 per ticket that is sold by the organization. Is this fair or is it robbery? What do you think?


1 comment:

  1. well I would need to know where the money that is being charged is going. If that money is being placed somewhere to be poured back into the campus or students, then Im fine as long as I can see some proof. But if this is just a way to have the students pay for supplies consumed but auxiliary services, then I have a very serious problem with that. That shows a lack of budgeting, and someone in that organization decided "hey lets circumvent our lack of judgement by making the students pay for it."

    It all depends on the angle for me.
