Monday, November 9, 2009

Entrance of the Holidays

Thanksgiving is the time to spend with family and friends, but for the most part it's the day to be thankful for life itself. I'm thankful for everything but I would really be more thankful for more time with my family. But I took the responsibility as an adult to support myself and I'll be working during the hoildays.

In my past years I was able to go home to Decatur,Georgia and spend quality time with my mom, brothers, granny, and cousins that would travel from Florida but now Thanksgiving Day is going to be all the time I have designated for fun and food. I wish I could stay a little longer and make the long week break feel like old times but it's time to grow up.

Now I'm a young adult and it's my duty to take care of myself so I could accept and appreciate my Thanksgiving Day to be with my family and return back to work for one of the biggest shopping days of the year, Black Friday. I'll be up bright and early to work, not to shop. There are many sales going on and I hope I at least make a couple, but I do know I'll take this time to work and finish off this semester with a big bang and take my week break during the Christmas holidays.

Life is too short so live life everyday and be thankful!!!!

Marti P.

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